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Are Caffeinated Drinks OK after Bariatric Surgery?

Many of our patients wonder if they can consume caffeinated drinks after their bariatric procedure. The short answer, as with many common postsurgical questions, is yes, but in moderation. Caffeine has several properties that can work against an effective weight loss regimen and can affect post bariatric patient comfort.

All in all, caffeinated foods and drinks are not the worst offenders in a post bariatric surgery diet. But, they do require control and moderation. If you need a quick boost or truly enjoy your cup of coffee in the morning, it can be a nice addition to your lifestyle – however you may wish to consider a decaf or half-caf option and use less sugar and milk. Understanding that caffeine, just like any other food or drink, has a specific and limited role in the post bariatric lifestyle can make it easier to manage your caffeine intake properly.

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