With over 5000 weight loss surgery and minimally invasive surgery procedures performed, Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics has many patients to be very proud of. With some of the most skilled and highly trained surgeons in the country, PSB offers truly incredible results. On this page we welcome you to follow our patients’ success with a sampling of their life changing transformations.


Elisabeth has lost 82 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
"I'm so happy and have referred everyone I know to you guys. Your medical family is amazing. I'm forever grateful! I am back in all my size 8 and some size 6"


Lisa has lost 200 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve


M has lost 200 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve


Tim has lost 122 pounds!
"Before surgery weight 326, eight months post surgery weight 204, loss of 122 pounds!"


Karyn has lost 178 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Bypass
"I always struggled with my weight. Tried everything, nothing worked. I gave up for a few years, then saw a picture of me and was taken back by how big I had gotten. I was healthy for my weight but I knew my weight would eventually catch up to me. Now, I am about to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of one the the best decisions I ever made. Thank you!!"


Elizabeth has lost 180 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Bypass
"I had battled being overweight from about the fourth grade and up through high school. It wasn't until I went through a series of events , that included a near fatal pregnancy and delivery, that really shook me and made me realize it was not a game. I needed help, because I was failing myself and my family. Accompanied by chronic fatigue, off the chart blood sugar levels, edema and hypertension, the extreme amount of excess weight was killing me mentally as well as physically. Four years post op, I have been maintaining for almost two of those years. I had another baby within the first two years following my surgery, but weight loss resumed shortly thereafter."


Richard has lost 159 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
"I needed to lose about 85+ pounds in order to have a kidney transplant at Emory University Hospital. I had End Stage Renal Failure for over 3 years and was on hemo dialysis. My wife was a match for my kidney but I needed to lose the weight before they would perform the transplant surgery. Dr Duncan performed a gastric sleeve on Sep 10th 2013 and by the end of Dec 2013, I had lost 102 pounds and was approved for my transplant surgery. I had my kidney transplant on Mar 6th, 2014 and I'm doing great. I continued to lose weight and I'm currently at 176 pounds for a total loss of 159 pounds. I have maintained my current weight for about the past 8 months. I can't thank Dr Duncan and his staff enough for all the post op support. This has truly been a life changing experience and probably saved my life."


Chequlia has lost 85 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
"I struggled with my weigh for years!! I tried every kind of diet out there. The diets would work for a while and then I would eventually end up back where I started! In 1996 I started dating my now husband and we were United in Holy Matrimony in 2004! Throughout these 18 yrs I have given birth to two wonderful boys but, I also gained a 100 pounds throught the years! I have a wonderful husband who never complained about my weight and constantly told me how beautiful I was! Deep down inside I was feeling awful and down! I cried regularly because of the way I was looking and how my clothes were fitting! I begin to pray and ask God to guide me. After a family member introduced me to Dr. Titus Duncan and his wonderful team at Peachtree Bariatrics I knew I was about to make the best decision of my life besides the one I made when I married my soulmate!! Not only did God guide me but, he also used me to help others that have been struggling for years! My testimony encouraged 4 other ladies to proceed with surgery and that makes me feel even better!! Dr.Titus Duncan and team I just wanna say thank you, thank you!!!!"


Shannon has lost 97 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Bypass
"My journey to weightloss surgery began due to nothing working anymore. Years of yo-yo diets, prescription medications & quick fixes had finally taken its toll on my body. I was a point away from being a diabetic, my blood pressure was high and causing issues, I suffered from insomnia, acid reflux, the hormonal changes were unbearable and I was exhausted- all the time. My life completely changed on March 17th! I feel Dr. Hobson and BB gave me a second chance at life. A chance to become the woman I had always dreamed of becoming and today... I LOVE myself. I love the control I have. I love the strength I've gained and I love that mind, body and spirit are all in tune with one another. I love waking up each and everyday knowing I can, without a doubt, take on any challenge thrown my way because I'm happy and healthy! I'm 110% devoted to fine tuning my body and feel I couldn't have possibly done this without weightloss surgery AND BB's aftercare support and encouragement. My life is my my own again..."


Anitra has lost 95 pounds!
Procedure: Gastric Bypass
"I had gotten to the point where I could no longer sit or walk for more than 10 minutes at a time. Every moment of every day was painful. Degenerative arthritis, boarderline diabetic, Hypertension, Sciatica, Depression, Anxiety, Narcolepsy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are a few of the conditions I was diagnosed with. The life threatening ailments are now gone!!! I not only lost the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual weight on my life, I was transformed to a new way to live. Food is no longer my security blanket but through management and maintenance it's here to help me stay healthy and alive only."