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How to Maintain a Healthy Diet After Lap-Band® Surgery

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet After Lap-Band® Surgery

If you’re looking to lose a significant amount of weight, having weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is just the first step. After your Lap-Band® surgery or other procedure, you will achieve long-term weight loss by following a healthy diet and exercise program.

At Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics in Atlanta, Georgia, our team of care providers helps you every step of your weight loss journey. When it comes to supporting you in eating a healthy diet after your procedure and well into the future, we’re here for you.

For example, we offer monthly support groups for all of our patients. We also offer nutritional and behavioral counseling designed to help you make the right choices about the food you eat.

Most importantly, we provide you with the information you need about how to maintain a healthy diet after surgery. Read on for a taste of some of the steps you can take to make sure you have a healthy post-surgery diet.

Step 1: Eat the right foods

After you have a Lap-Band procedure or any other type of weight loss surgery, you lose weight and optimize your health by eating a nutritious diet.

During the initial period after surgery, we give you detailed instructions on what you can eat, such as pureed food or liquids. You add in soft foods when you are ready, and eventually start eating other healthy foods, including fruit, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, low-fat dairy, nuts, and legumes.

Because you can eat much less food than in the past, focus mainly on the healthiest foods so you get the nutrients you need. And be sure you get enough protein.

To ensure that you get adequate nutrients, we talk with you about taking vitamin supplements.

Step 2: Eat the right amount of food

In the Lap-Band procedure, we place an adjustable band around the upper part of your stomach. The band limits how much you can eat. Your nutritional consultant gives you specific guidelines on how much to eat after surgery. 

Your stomach pouch is much smaller than your pre-surgery stomach, and eating too much could stretch your pouch. Rather than three larger meals a day, you may feel better eating six smaller meals.

Step 3: Eat slowly

Eating too quickly could cause vomiting or pain. To prevent discomfort, slow down and chew your food completely, taking breaks between bites. Stop eating as soon as you feel full.

Step 4: Take care with foods that bother you

Some Lap-Band patients find that certain foods bother them. These include popcorn, some kinds of nuts, very dry foods, raw vegetables, chewy meats, and very fibrous foods, such as corn and celery. 

If a food bothers you, try cooking it longer or chewing it more thoroughly. If it still bothers you, avoid it.

Step 5: Drink smart

You need eight cups a day of water and other calorie-free liquids to stay hydrated. But gulping down large amounts of water could backfire on you. To get the liquid you need, drink small amounts throughout the day.

Learn more about surgical weight loss

The decision to start improving your health through weight loss surgery starts with educating yourself about your options. With the right information in hand, you can make a decision that best supports your health and weight goals.

To learn more about surgical weight loss, we invite you to attend our free webinar every Saturday at 9am Eastern time. Our webinar provides many details about the weight loss surgery options here at Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics. 

To find out about joining a webinar or meeting with one of our specialists for a consultation, contact us today to request an appointment. We also offer financial assistance for qualified individuals or those without insurance coverage.

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