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Shannon’s Dish of the Week! Lemon Pepper Beef and Cabbage

Every week, Shannon, our dietitian will be sharing her dish of the week. These great recipes are perfect for weight loss surgery patients and just about anyone else!

We hope you enjoy them and as always if you ever have a question about your diet please contact us.

This week’s recipe is:

Lemon Pepper Beef and Cabbage



Brown the ground beef with the onion. Pat off any excess oil carefully. Sprinkle spices on the meat and add beef broth, bay leaf, and lemon slices. Bring to a boil and add cabbage and water. Sprinkle liberally with fresh ground pepper and simmer until water is absorbed and the pan begins to brown. Add a little more water to deglaze the pan and continue cooking until cabbage is tender and most of the liquid is absorbed again. Remove lemon slices and bay leaf and serve hot. Garnish with a lemon wedge and additional black pepper.

View More of Shannon’s Dishes of the Week By Clicking Here! >>


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